Black American Homeland versus Black American Nation

Distinguishing between the Black American Homeland and the Black American Nation, both are ambitious endeavors demanding the Great Reverse Migration. The Black American Homeland focuses on Black individuals relocating to the Eight Southern States North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee to achieve a supermajority population and political control within those states.

On the other hand, establishing a Black American Nation would necessitate a more significant step, such as unilateral secession from the United States or a Convention of the States, requiring a 3/4 majority or 38 out of 50 states’ favorable votes to ratify a constitutional amendment permitting eight or nine states to exit the Union. While not dismissing the possibility of an independent Black American Nation, Frederick Delk’s vision suggests that it would require more time, consistency, and a decrease in the White population to below 36% of the total U.S. population. This could lead to the 50 States favorably voting to dissolve the Federal Government, ultimately resulting in the division or separation of the United States into four Independent nations by 2080.