Black Paper

 Black American Homeland

The Concept and Vision of the Black American Homeland, also referred to as
the 8 States Southern Region, Super Majority Black Region of States,
Economic Community of Eight Southern States (ECESS), 8 States Solution,
Affrilachian Region of States or Affrilachia, was created by Frederick Delk, as
a political, economic and cultural movement aimed at promoting the rights
and interests of Black Americans within the United States.
The concept of a Black American Homeland is grounded in the Black
Nationalist movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This
movement was led by important Black American leaders such as Marcus
Garvey, who believed that black people would never be truly free in the United
States and advocated for the establishment of a separate Black American
Nation in Africa. Similarly, leaders such as Harry Haywood, Malcolm X, and
the Malcolm X Society argued for the establishment of a Black American
Nation within the borders of the USA.
The Black American Homeland is not an independent nation, but a Region of
Southern States where super majority of the population is Black and where
Black Americans hold a substantial amount of political and economic power.
This movement envisions a future where Black Americans are able to live in a
Region of the country where they are the have a Super Majority and have
control over their own political and economic decisions.
Black Americans have faced systemic racism and discrimination throughout
the history of the USA, from slavery, Black Codes and Jim Crow laws to
ongoing issues such as police brutality, red lining, Jerrymandering, unequal
access to education and employment opportunities. This has led me and many
other Black Americans to seek a sense of community and self-determination
through the creation of a Black American Homeland.
The proposed region would include the Southern States of North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and
Tennessee. States such as Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Florida are also
possible if Black Americans could greatly increase their population.
This Southern Region of States has over 500 years long history of Black
American settlement and has been the birthplace of many important
movements and leaders in the fight for Black American political and economic
rights, such as the Civil Rights Movement and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
While the establishment of a Black American Homeland would require
tremendous effort and changes to the current political and economic system,
supporters of the movement believe that it would provide numerous benefits
to Black Americans. These include increased political representation, greater
control over local resources and economic development, and the creation of
a supportive and inclusive community.
Critics of the movement argue that it would lead to further division and
segregation within the United States, and that efforts should be focused on
improving conditions for Black Americans within the current system.
However, supporters counter that the current system has repeatedly failed to
confront the systemic issues faced by Black Americans, and that a more radical
solution is needed to bring about meaningful change.
Regardless of where one stands on the issue, it is clear that the idea of a Black
American Homeland is a complex and controversial topic that has the
potential to shape the future of the United States. It is important for all
individuals and communities to engage in informed and respectful discussions
about this movement and its implications, as the outcome will have a
profound impact on the future of Black Americans and the United States as a
Although some Black organizations and individuals have previously
mentioned the idea of forming Black States, no one has ever thoroughly
explained to the Black American community why it is vital to have a Super
Majority Black population and Political Control in several States. Furthermore,
there has been a lack of information regarding the powers and rights of States
within the US Constitution and Federalism. This Black Paper will address
these topics and explore how Black Americans can achieve Super Majority
Population and Political Control of a Region of States legally through peaceful
democratic means. Black Paper: Black American Homeland was initially
published in 2012 and outlines the location of the several States and best
opportune time to take control. I believe this vision was revealed to me by a
higher power over a lengthy period from the 1990s to 2012, and with the grace
of God, I will attempt to explain it.

Black Paper: Black American Homeland is available now on Amazon March 31, 2023!