Black American Homeland

Black American Homeland Theme Song

Verse 1:

Check-it out the Black American Homeland

A place where we can build our own brand

A place to call our own land

And Implement our own plan

A Super Majority Black Region of States

Where our people can thrive, let’s make our own fate or mandate

We can use the 10th Amendment to our advantage

Reserved and Shared Powers, that’s how we manage

States’ Rights it’s a tool we can use

To reclaim our power, to choose and to refuse

Federalism, it’s a delicate dance

But we can balance power, with our own stance


States’ Rights, Reserved Powers

Federalism towers, Black community empowers

The 10th Amendment, it’s a game-changer

Black American Homeland, let’s build it greater

Verse 2:

Delegated powers, we’ll take what we need

To build an infrastructure system that will always succeed

Reserved Powers, that’s what we’ll use

To create a Black Power System that we can’t lose

Black Regionalism and State Power it’s our Right

The Constitution is a weapon to bring the Fight

Federalism, it’s not just for them

We can use it too, to build our own gem

For our community, our own way

Black American Homeland is here to stay

Verse 3:

The founding Fathers, they wrote the rules

But we can use them too, to check them fools

The Founding Fathers, they were wise

They knew too much power, corruption would rise

So they crafted the Constitution, with the 3 branches to supervise

Who says we’re weak, who say we can’t defend her

We’ll use the State Constitution to foster a Black Homeland agender

State’s Rights and Reserved Powers, we’ll take control

Concurrent Powers, we’ll build our own goal

Federal Powers are few and limited

State Powers are numerous and indefinite

Relationship with the other 42 States, reciprocal

But knowing our history it won’t be typical

I suggest the Great Reverse Migration

I expect White Flight, better to prepare for Confrontation or Retaliation

Federalism, it’s time to make it work for us

Black American Homeland, a boom or bust

Lyrics by Frederick Delk

Author: Black Paper: Black American Homeland

Founder: Black American Homeland
